"Dear Friend of F.I.R.E.,
"The Flagstaff International Relief Effort (F.I.R.E.) needs your help now! We are urgently trying to raise $15,000 to make the 2007 distribution trip happen.
"We have over 20 tons of warm winter clothing, educational and medical supplies ready to send to Mongolia. One container is full of warm winter clothing, including over 10,000 hand knit items. The second container is full of educational and medical supplies.
"We need $15,000 by July 15, or we will not be able to ship the containers and will have to cancel the distribution trip.
"When the 2 containers arrive they will be met by a team of clothing and medical volunteers who are standing by, ready to buy their tickets and pay their own expenses to conduct medical training and distribute the items to orphanages, hospitals, schools and thousands of needy children and their families.
"Please help us to...
--Personally distribute 8 tons of clothing, including over 10,000 hand knits, to over 10,000 of Mongolia's poorest children and families.
--Assist over 1 dozen schools with educational supplies and English books.
--Provide 450 boxes of medical supplies to 14 rural hospitals and clinics.
--Train medical professionals at over a dozen hospitals.
--Send children to school, aid the disabled, warm the cold....
"A donation of just $20 from each person who receives this letter will take us to our goal. Any assistance you can provide will be tremendously appreciated.
"I am confident that with your help we will be able to complete another successful distribution trip to Mongolia, continuing to help the most vulnerable members of society to improve the quality of their lives. Please help us in this time of urgent need to deliver these supplies and training.
"Thank you!
Meredith Potts
Executive Director
"P.S.Please send tax deductible contributions to the address below by July15, 2007. You can also donate directly from the internet. Please use the link below.
"P.P.S.To view a 5 minute video clip of our 2005 distribution trip please use the link below.
107 N. San Francisco St., Suite 4
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Office: 1-928-779-1966
Fax: 1-928-774-5562